in 60 days

without resorting to punishment, the constant feeling of overwhelm, or the spirit-crushing question, "What else am I supposed to do?"

If you're an elementary school teacher or administrator looking to help each of your students truly succeed in their learning, then you probably already know how important classroom behavior management is.

So I'll spare you the spiel.

No need to be a broken record and convince you of something that's already been drilled deep into your teacher brain.

After all, you probably already know that creating a successful behavior management plan is the key to leveraging your time, creating a lasting impact on your students, and finding true success in your classroom.

Having a behavior management plan that works means that you can:


Creating a behavior management plan that works means that most disruptive behaviors don't even happen.That puts you back in the driver's seat of your classroom so that you don't feel like your class is driving you.


For those disruptive behaviors that you can't prevent (because let's face it, it's impossible to prevent every behavior problem), you can find the root of why a student is acting out, which will put you in the perfect position to know exactly what to do to help that student feel better, and get them back to learning.


When you have a classroom full of students that aren't causing distractions, but are instead in a frame of mind to learn, it's easy to engage them in learning so that they can continue to progress academically.


Spending less time managing behavior problems in your room means that you can get back to doing what you love most: teaching. When the majority of your day is spent teaching, you wake up to the alarm clock with excitement and anticipation.

Even though there's no shortage of reasons to create a working classroom behavior management plan, actually creating one? Let's just say it's easier said than done.


But where the heck do I start?

Perhaps you've been teaching for more than 20 years. Perhaps you're just starting out. But either way, you've no doubt tried just about anything your principals or colleagues have recommended. And sure, some of them work for a lot of students. But there's just that handful of students for whom you just can't find the answer. No matter what you do, no matter how many times they clip down, or get sent to the office, they just keep acting out. Then you go home frazzled, frustrated, maybe even a little heartbroken, and baffled about what to do next, just to come back and repeat it all over again tomorrow.


most behavior management strategies in today's classrooms fail is because they're all built on punishments, rewards, and extrinsic motivations. We've been using these strategies for generations (although we've gotten pretty creative with them). And the thing is, they stick around because they do work - for some of our students. But for many, ever-growing research is clearly showing that they reinforce feelings of shame, isolation, and the "bad kid" self-identity. Not only that, but this tends to happen to those kids that need our help the most.


because teachers aren't getting the education or the support they need to practice better, more proven methods of behavior management.


is that the data is in. There's a better way. We like to call that way "Restorative Teaching." Teachers who are adopting this new way of thinking about behavior management, and successfully implementing it into their everyday practices, are experiencing behavior transformations that allow them to get back to teaching.

Principles of Restorative Teaching

Focus On Restitution Not Punishment

When we focus on punishment, we reinforce feelings of shame and isolation. When we focus on restitution, we reinforce a belief that redemption from bad behavior is possible, and worth pursuing.

Behavior Is Communication

Children often use non-compliant behavior to communicate that something is wrong. Those negative emotions are often triggered by things we don't see, and are often outside of our control.

Identify the Root Cause

Once we understand what's triggering a student's negative emotions, we're in a much better position to step in with the kind of intervention that puts that student back on the path to learning.

Find the Proper Intervention

Interventions are determined on a student-by-student and scenario-by-scenario basis. Interventions might include anything from informal conferences to stakeholder meetings.

Relationships Are Your Superpower

Not only are children more likely to behave for teachers they like and respect, but our relationships allow us to watch for potential emotional triggers.

Praise In Public, Correct In Private

As we correct our students in private, we can learn more about why a behavior is occurring while avoiding distracting emotions like shame and embarrassment.

Even though behavior management systems that are built on extrinsic motivators are the overwhelming norm in elementary education, that doesn't mean that they're the most effective.

The fact is, behavior management is only getting harder with time. On the whole, our young children are facing more varied and intense challenges at an earlier and earlier age.

Yet, at the same time, teachers aren't receiving the training or the support needed to address the behavioral challenges that face them in the classroom.

In short, our elementary education system needs a behavioral management transformation.

The key to all of this is to teach our educators how to create behavior management systems that are built on proven methods so that they can get back to doing what they love: teaching.

That's what we'd LOVE to show you how to create.

The Complete Guide On How To Confidently Create and Implement A Classroom Behavior Management Plan That Is Built On Restorative Teaching Practices

This course on Restorative Teaching is the only implementation program of its kind that will walk you through exactly how to incorporate restorative teaching practices into your classroom from start to finish so that every student in your classroom is behaved, engaged, and ready to learn.

Cassie has curated the best research on classroom behavior management, and has converted it all into everyday practices. She's brought it all together in this step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the high level philosophy of restorative teaching, but the actual EXECUTION of how you can implement that philosophy into every practice in your room.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Set up your classroom in a way that helps prevent disruptive behavior
  • Create a classroom community where every student feels valued and understood
  • Build strong relationships with every student in your room so that you can identify triggers before they turn into disruptive behavior
  • Identify and implement student-specific interventions for those students that need individual attention

The end result: An incredibly effective classroom behavior management plan and skill set that will prepare you for any classroom for the rest of your teaching career.

Restorative Teaching
is the first program of its kind that...


No unnecessary modules, and no extraneous or premature strategies that look great on the surface, but do nothing but overwhelm you and sabotage your progress.


No more relying on punishments to motivate kids to make the right choices in the classroom. Instead, create an environment where every student feels welcome, capable, and valued so the time you spend with them is spent learning.


Since building relationships is your superpower, you'll learn a ton of ways that you can build a relationship with your classroom as a whole, and with each student inside your classroom so that you can earn their trust and leverage it to help them progress.

How The Modules All Break Down

Firmly understand the proven philosophy that serves as the foundation for the rest of the course. Restorative Teaching, as you know by this point, is all about focusing on restitution, not punishment.

Module Highlights

  • What makes classroom behavior management so hard?
  • An introduction to the Restorative Teaching philosophy

 Learn how to set up your classroom space in a way that promotes learning and prevents disruptive behavior before your students even step foot inside your room.

Module Highlights

  • Creating a welcoming space
  • Determining your routines and procedures
  • Deciding on your classroom rules
  • Creating a classroom behavior plan

Our students' social lives are full of potential triggers. Feeling isolated, bullied, or embarrassed can lead to the kind of emotions that contribute to disruptive behavior. Learn how to create a classroom community so that everyone feels a sense of belonging.

Module Highlights

  • Cultivating meaningful relationships with your students
  • Teaching social and emotional skills
  • Giving students classroom responsibilities

The way we approach our instruction has everything to do with how our children feel, which means it's directly connected to their behavior. Learn how to set up your instruction with clarity, the appropriate measure of challenge for each student, and strategies that will engage them.

Module Highlights

  • Creating clarity in the classroom
  • Incorporating challenge
  • Increasing student engagement

While the first three modules are focused on preventing disruptive behavior, the last two are focused on addressing it. For the minority of students that act out, it's important to start with low-intensity individual interventions that will help correct disruptive behavior privately, and in the moment.

Module Highlights

  • Incorporating daily habits that correct disruptive behavior
  • Holding informal conferences
  • Resolving student conflicts

When prevention and low-intensity interventions fail, high-intensity interventions are designed to create a restitution plan that will address long-term disruptive behavior for those students that struggle the most.

Module Highlights

  • Using behavior contracts
  • Holding stakeholder meetings
  • Applying what you've learned

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

If you complete the entire course, you'll get this certificate that you can turn in to your administrator for PD credit or relicensure points.

20-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Let me just say this upfront.

Our course on Restorative Teaching is the most comprehensive step-by-step implementation program for teachers committed to improving behavior management in their classrooms. 

By the end of 20 days, you'll have received access to the introduction module, as well as the first two modules.

Meaning, you'll have had the opportunity to see a clear pathway to classroom behavior management success BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don't feel totally confident that the concepts in this course will transform the behavior in your classroom, simply reach out, show us you've put in the work, and we'll refund your investment.


Here's the total value of what you're getting when you enroll:

If we were to offer this curriculum as a college course or as a 2-day on-site professional development seminar, here's how the cost would break down:

Restorative Teaching Course - $1,337 Value
  • 24 Training Videos
  • Action Guides
  • 10-Hour Certificate of Completion - $297 Value
  • Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group - $197 Value
  • Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie - $297 Value
  • 20-Day Money-Back Guarantee

When you add it all up, that's a total value of $2,128!

But we're teachers. There's. No. Way.

So, when you enroll today, you'll get access to everything for just:




24 Training Videos

Action Guides

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group

Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie

20-Day Money-Back Guarantee




24 Training Videos

Action Guides

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group

Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie

20-Day Money-Back Guarantee

BONUS: Classroom Jobs & Economy Pack (Fully Editable)





24 Training Videos

Action Guides

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group

Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie

20-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Volume Discounts


Frequently Asked Questions

What people ask before signing up

Most lessons are kept to about 15 to 20 minutes. We’ve also converted every video into an audio file so you can listen your way through the course if that’s your jam. It’s a great way to pass the time while commuting, exercising, or doing household chores.

You'll also have lifetime access to the course, so you can move through it at your own pace.

Yes, you can.

But it will take a LOT of time to (1) find all the information that’s been curated in this course from places like and professional development books, (2) boil that information down to its core elements so you can implement them into your classroom, and (3) go through a rigorous trial and error process to see what’s just theory, and what really works.

You could do all that, or you could take a course from someone who’s already done it all for you. All you’ll need to do by the end of the course is implement it in your room and make it your own.

The overwhelming majority of teachers have unfortunately not been exposed to this information, let alone synthesized it in a way that makes it easy to implement inside a classroom.

So yes, odds are that this will be different from anything you’ve ever tried before.

In a nutshell, traditional methods of classroom behavior management mostly rely on rewards, punishments, and extrinsic motivation. The problem with this approach is that, while it works for a lot of our students, it leaves a lot of our students feeling like they don’t belong in school. Those are often the students that need our help the most.

Instead, Restorative Teaching focuses on restitution, not punishment. It recognizes that our students’ behaviors are often a manifestation of their hidden emotions and the hidden triggers that cause them. If those emotions aren’t in the right place for learning, then it doesn’t matter how many rewards or punishments we dish out, in the long run, disruptive behavior will continue. However, if we uncover the hidden emotions and triggers, we can have a better understanding of what interventions will work to get our students back to a frame of mind to learn.

This means a vast shift in most areas of our classroom, including the way we set up our classrooms, the way we build a sense of community, the way we approach our teaching, and the way we deal with disruptive behavior when it happens.

This course walks you through all of it in a practical way, complete with action guides that will help you apply the theory in every aspect of your room. Once you’re done, you’ll be absolutely shocked by the behavior transformation in your room.

I get it. I’ve been there. However, if I knew during my first year of teaching what I now know, I would have paid a lot more than $147 for it. It’s amazing what effective classroom behavior management will do, not only for your kids, but for you and your mental health. This will transform how you feel when you get up for work in the morning, and how you feel when your day is done.

We want this information in your hands, so we’ve done our best to make the price as accessible as possible. We’ve also included a 3-month interest-free payment plan.

If you still can’t afford the price tag, we’ve also included a purchase order payment option, so before writing it off, be sure to discuss this with your administrator to see if they might be able to help.

Restorative Teaching

is PERFECT for you if...

You  find yourself nodding along with any of the following, then you are in a perfect position to enroll in Restorative Teaching and to transform your behavior management plan in 60 days.

You’re an established, tenured elementary school educator, you have a good sense for classroom behavior management, and you’re looking to take student behavior and performance to the next level.

You’re just getting started as an elementary school educator, and you KNOW that there’s a way to effectively manage the behavior in your classroom, but every time you put a fire out, a flood emerges.

You’re already spending minutes, even hours every day, managing behavior in your classroom instead of teaching, because you know that stable behavior is a prerequisite to learning.

You truly feel that your relationships with your students matter, and you know there’s a way to more effectively leverage those relationships to help get each of your students on the best track they can be on toward reaching their fullest potential.

You know that social and emotional learning practices are paramount when it comes to making sure students are in the right frame of mind to learn, but you need some real-world, step-by-step ideas on how to implement those practices throughout your classroom.

You enjoy bouncing ideas off of other like-minded teachers in an attempt to find a way that works best for you while also offering your help to others.


Here's the total value of what you're getting when you enroll:

If we were to offer this curriculum as a college course or as a 2-day on-site professional development seminar, here's how the cost would break down:

Restorative Teaching Course - $1,337 Value
  • 24 Training Videos
  • Action Guides
  • 10-Hour Certificate of Completion - $297 Value
  • Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group - $197 Value
  • Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie - $297 Value
  • 20-Day Money-Back Guarantee

When you add it all up, that's a total value of $2,128!

But we're teachers. There's. No. Way.

So, when you enroll today, you'll get access to everything for just:




24 Training Videos

Action Guides

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group

Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie

20-Day Money-Back Guarantee




24 Training Videos

Action Guides

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group

Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie

20-Day Money-Back Guarantee

BONUS: Classroom Jobs & Economy Pack (Fully Editable)





24 Training Videos

Action Guides

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

Access to the Course's Closed Facebook Group

Access to 8 Weekly Live Q&As with Cassie

20-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Volume Discounts


50% Complete

Two Step

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