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Frequently Asked Questions

What people ask before signing up

Most lessons are kept to about 15 to 20 minutes. We’ve also converted every video into an audio file so you can listen your way through the course if that’s your jam. It’s a great way to pass the time while commuting, exercising, or doing household chores.

You'll also have lifetime access to the course, so you can move through it at your own pace.

Yes, you can.

But it will take a LOT of time to (1) find all the information that’s been curated in this course from places like eric.gov and professional development books, (2) boil that information down to its core elements so you can implement them into your classroom, and (3) go through a rigorous trial and error process to see what’s just theory, and what really works.

We've done the research, we've curated the best, most well-researched strategies out there, and we've organized it all into this comprehensive, easy-to-follow course, complete with workbooks, action guides, and print-and-go templates.

The overwhelming majority of teachers have unfortunately not been exposed to this information, let alone synthesized it in a way that makes it easy to implement inside a classroom.

So yes, odds are that this will be different from anything you’ve ever tried before.

In a nutshell, traditional methods of classroom behavior management mostly rely on rewards, punishments, and extrinsic motivation. The problem with this approach is that, while it works for a lot of our students, it leaves a lot of our students feeling like they don’t belong in school. The behavior of these students end up creating an impact on the whole class. What's more, these are often the students that need our help the most.

Instead, Restorative Teaching focuses on restitution, not punishment. It recognizes that our students’ behaviors are often a manifestation of their hidden emotions and the hidden triggers that cause them. If those emotions aren’t in the right place for learning, then it doesn’t matter how many rewards or punishments we dish out. In the long run, disruptive behavior will continue. However, if we uncover the hidden emotions and triggers, we can have a better understanding of what interventions will work to get our students back to a frame of mind to learn.

This means a vast shift in most areas of our classroom, including the way we set up our classrooms, the way we build a sense of community, the way we approach our teaching, and the way we deal with disruptive behavior when it happens.

This course walks you through all of it in a practical way, complete with action guides that will help you apply the theory in every aspect of your room. Once you’re done, you’ll be absolutely shocked by the behavior transformation in your room.

We get it. Teaching isn't for getting rich. However, virtually everyone who takes this course comes away telling us that we're not charging enough!

It’s amazing what effective classroom behavior management will do, not only for your kids, but for you and your mental health. This will transform how you feel when you get up for work in the morning, and how you feel when your day is done.

Not to mention, you'll walk away from this course with a behavior management plan that will continue to work for you and your students year after year.

We want this information in your hands. That's why we've made the price as accessible as possible. We’ve also included a purchase order payment option, so be sure to discuss this with your administrator to see if they might be able to help.


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