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How The Modules All Break Down

Firmly understand the proven philosophy that serves as the foundation for the rest of the course.

Module Highlights

  • What makes classroom behavior management so hard?
  • An introduction to the Restorative Teaching philosophy

 Learn how to set up your classroom space in a way that promotes learning and prevents disruptive behavior before your students even step foot inside your room.

Module Highlights

  • Creating a welcoming space
  • Determining your routines and procedures
  • Deciding on your classroom rules

Our students' social lives are full of potential triggers. Feeling isolated, bullied, or embarrassed can lead to the kind of emotions that contribute to disruptive behavior. Learn how to cultivate social skills, community, and inclusion so that everyone feels a sense of belonging in your classroom.

Module Highlights

  • Cultivating meaningful relationships with your students
  • Teaching social and emotional skills
  • Giving students classroom responsibilities

The way we approach our instruction has everything to do with how our children feel, which means it's directly connected to their behavior. Learn how to set up your instruction with clarity, the appropriate measure of challenge for each student, and strategies that will engage them.

Module Highlights

  • Creating clarity in the classroom
  • Increasing student engagement
  • Incorporating challenge

While the first three modules are focused on preventing disruptive behavior, the last two are focused on managing it. For those students that act out, it's important to start with low-intensity individual interventions that will help correct disruptive behavior privately, and in the moment.

Module Highlights

  • Incorporating daily habits that correct disruptive behavior
  • Holding informal conferences

When prevention and low-intensity interventions fail, high-intensity interventions are designed to create a restitution plan that will address long-term disruptive behavior for those students that struggle the most.

Module Highlights

  • Using functional behavior assessments
  • Holding stakeholder meetings
  • Using behavior contracts
  • Using precision commands
  • Putting it all together (case studies)

Implementing Restorative Teaching in your classroom is a journey. So, we want to guide you through every step of the way. Each module is designed so you get step-by-step action guides and print-and-go templates for you to use.

The course is designed so you can watch every lesson on any screen. Or, if you're a listen-in-the-car-on-the-way-to-work sort of person, you can listen to the course on audio.

10-Hour Certificate of Completion

If you complete the entire course, you'll get this certificate that you can turn in to your administrator for PD credit or relicensure points.

Restorative Teaching Members-Only Facebook Group

After you enroll, you'll be granted access to this closed, members-only Facebook group that's all focused on behavior management. Collaborate, share ideas, and be a part of this amazing community.


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